Are You Depressed?

I forced myself to eat lunch today as well as yesterday because I am running low on nutrition shakes, and a new box just arrived today. I had to wake up early because I had a virtual neurology appointment today.

My appointment lasted about a half hour, and my Mom held my phone so I could show my Neurologist my arm movement and she wanted to look at my eyes as I looked sideways and up and down. She asked my Mom about my transfers, if they are any different than they were last year and my Mom said they are not.

After I showed her my eyes, she had me hug myself and waive my hands over my head. My Mom told me that I did all of the movements before she asked me and I told her that I have been doing these movements for 23 years!

Toward the end of my appointment, she asked me a question. It was the first time she had asked me it in 23 years. She asked me if I was depressed. I thought for a moment and looked at her, and sort of smiled weakly and told her, “No.”

After I had ended the phone call for my appointment, I looked at my Mom and told her that Dr. Cerghet has NEVER asked me that and I’m a little bit startled. I told her that, this IS depressing! 100%!!! But I am SO grateful that I am NOT depressed, I do get down a little bit, but my Mom told me that it doesn’t last that long. It’s nothing concerning.