Every Three Years?

So, I have been thinking. It was so earth shattering to see nothing in that phoropter. I am going to search through my past love posts, but I’m pretty sure that in ‘21 my optometrist moved me to an eight.

After a day, that was too much and I went back down to a seven. The past two years have been fine with my seven contacts and I could see just fine. Well, my one letter in my right eye, and three letters in my left eye.I’m thinking it’s going to be every three years I need new contacts. My mom told me that someone she knows wears a -10.

I guess there really isn’t a way for me to gauge it with disease, progression and stuff but I’m not blind… yet… I still hear that doctor in my head, and I have been for the past 23 years but now it’s an issue.. 😒😒😒