July was supposed to be “The Month of my Eyes,” but my new neural ophthalmologist rescheduled and then I had to reschedule that appointment for another time. I originally scheduled the visual field test for July 3. She rescheduled it for August but that did not work for me so I had to reschedule it myself. I will not go for my visual field test until October 1.

Today, Dr. Harris (my optometrist) decided to strengthen my prescription. I was at -7 for three years because that would mess with my distance vision if he made my prescription more powerful. But as we conducted my eye tests, even the three letters, or the one letter in my right eye! It was just a blur.

That startled me, and I even started to cry a little. He apologized for making me emotional, and I just shook my head. He decided to move me to a -7.5. He gave me a pair of contacts and three more trial pair to try out. I put the contacts easily in my eyes because I have been doing it for 30 years!

I could see so much clearer!!! I did not have my eyes dilated this time so he could try out readers for me. And that was a great thing as well! Here’s the catch though, he told me that I would need bifocals, and I can’t do the Invisalign transition. He said that given all that’s going on with my eyes, I need to have actual bifocals, so my eyes can adjust to distance and looking down with the magnification.

As we were driving home, my Mom told me that she doesn’t have a problem with her bifocals that are in not visible. I just told her, you don’t have optic neuritis!!! I said to Dr. Harris when he told me about having the visible bifocals and I said, “Like an old person?” he smiled and agreed. I told him then at least it would look like I have something wrong with me! So many people think I have nothing wrong, because I look totally fine. You know that I’m NOT!!!

He was going to look through all the notes in my file and fashion a pair of glasses for me with a prism. I didn’t get them today but I will get them in the coming months I think. But I am opting to use my -7 contacts until they’re gone because I ain’t got money like that!!!

I do STILL hear that first neurologist’s voice telling me that I have MS and I’m going to go blind and then I’m going to die. I think that’s why I cried today…-7.5 is still not though!!!