Kind of Savage

I received a summons for jury duty.
Really? Me?!

I’m home bound.

I messaged my PCP. I told her that Dr. Elias has sent a letter, probably in 2002 but that was to Dearborn to excuse me but this summons was for Detroit’s 3rd district.

Dr. Elias was my neurologist but has since retired.

I messaged her at midnight and I received a response the following morning before I woke up. Her assistant said that she placed a letter in my MiChart. My aunt Iris printed it out and we attached it to the questionnaire.

My Mom filled out the questionnaire and I asked her to read the letter to me. I initially read it one way and I wanted to see if it still sounded that way.

It does.

It’s actually kind of savage. I’m sure that is a standard letter but it said that I am her patient and she does NOT recommend that I serve and if they want additional information, they to provide need MY signature if they want anymore information. Told ya – kind of savage!!!