The CASL Building

Today is the first day of my Dragonfruit Lemon chapstick weekend. I really dig this flavor! It’s similar to the Grapefruit flavor that I tried a couple years back. I think it tastes like Grapefruit plus something else. I dig it!

I am still reminded of summer in college. But this is undergrad college. Not grad school college!

Grad school college was exclusively at the School of Education on Hubbard Drive. My undergrad education was largely at the CASL building. Pronounced, “Castle” it stands for college of arts, sciences, and letters. All of my English classes were in that building.

Today I thought about my final time in that building. It was just before graduation! I had to go to the administrative offices on the second and third floors to make sure that all my I’s were crossed all my T’s we dotted. I think commencement was the following weekend.

That close to commencements, I had already completed my student teaching, and had already broken my ankle so I was in a wheelchair. Parking in the disabled section did not seem strange to me because I had been parking there my entire time at school. I never thought that I would be as disabled as I am now!

This is the memory that I told my Mom. I was remembering my final time going into that building. I pressed the button for the first door to open to allow me between the two doors before you get into the building. I was not adapt at using disabled accommodations at that point and I’m not sure that it was properly formatted anyway.

I had forgotten this memory for 19 years! So I get in between the doors and the door shuts! I remember thinking, “What am I going to do now?!” but just after I thought that, another student came to the door from the inside. he was leaving.

I think that we laughed and I thanked him for opening the door to let me out of in between the doors because I was stuck! I had totally forgotten that memory, but now I can clearly see it! I think the guy had longer light brown hair?