“It’s Chronic”

I saw this updated forecast late Tuesday night, and I thought that it’s still okay! I can handle that!


But, now I realize that I CANNOT handle that when the vent in the backseat of the van is broken!!! Because that’s what happened yesterday, but I did not realize that until I got back to my house after we had already gone to the naturopath and gotten our haircuts I was completely spent!!!

Definitely a HARD recovery day for me today and I did not wear my contacts but I thought about my naturopath from yesterday. I started seeing him back in 2011. But I must say that it’s only now that I can say that I truly love him! And here’s why.:

My body seems to be doing well with what I am on and he added a couple more things. I really saw him yesterday, he wasn’t looking at me, and he just was kind of looking off in the distance before he looked and said extremely sympathetically and almost apologetically, “It’s chronic.” I just nodded in agreement and said, “yeah.”I’m so glad that he is on the case because he is finding what is working out with my body and I really appreciate that!!