So Be It!

I think it was the last summer when I talked with my Mom about the fact that I may be addicted to Chapstick. She was the one who suggested it, because she read about it online and I laughed hysterically!

Fast-forward to this summer, and since the beginning of June, I have gone through two ENTIRE tubes of Cucumber Mint chapstick! Wait. What?! Maybe I am a little bit addicted to chapstick… I love how soft it feels on my lips when I press them together. I guess I like that feeling a little bit more now that I am homebound and it’s a little more painful…

Because of that possible fact, I have made the executive decision to make my new Dragonfruit Lemon chapstick, my chapstick for the entire weekend. maybe I will let my current chapsticks last until September when I can go to Pomegranate for Pumpkin Spice in October. So, I guess I may be a little addicted to Chapstick… so be it!