Luxury Sedan

There ABSOLUTELY is method to my madness and I will ‘splain ya:

I think that this has to go back to last weekend when I first tried out my Dragonfruit Lemon chapstick. As soon as I applied it to my lips, it reminded me of summer. But not summer as a child, summer as a college student. And I was remembering one specific memory as I put it on my lips and now after my executive decision, I get to think of that memory every single weekend! Here is the memory:

it was summertime and for some reason my brother’s car was at my Parents’ house for something. Someone came and picked him up from there or something. Either way, my Parents told me to drive my brother’s car to his house and they will pick me up and we will go out to dinner.

He had an impala and I clearly and distinctly remember my Parents pulling up to his house, and me jumping out of his car exclaiming to my Parents, “This is a luxury sedan! and I am going to own one!” I think this was the summer before college at WMU. I had just graduated from high school. I was still driving the Cavalier that my Dad gave me.

So then, fast forward to my first year teaching, and I totaled the car that my Dad bought me (I slipped on black ice on my way to work, apparently Dearborn roads are a little less slick than Detroit roads! I didn’t know that?!) so it was time for me to buy a car of my own. The thing about impalas is, you have to park them in order to drive them. That was something I COULD NOT DO at all! I ended up settling for a male room. Full size car is too big for me but midsize is acceptable. I didn’t even drive anymore now! Maybe that’s why I couldn’t park a full-size car in the first place…?