Cinnamon Haze OR “Less”

I have taken a total of five doses of Ceylon cinnamon. I still have four to go, and I will be done tomorrow. I must say that ingesting 3 teaspoons of cinnamon is INTENSE!!! I spent yesterday a bit startled and kind of stupefied because I was stuck in a “Cinnamon Haze.”

Each time I gingerly blew my nose, I smelled cinnamon. I didn’t blow it really hard because I didn’t want a powder keg explosion in my nose again! As I drank my morning shake yesterday, it tasted different, because I had remnants of cinnamon dust in my mouth. Chewing gum afterward was also a COMPLETELY new experience!!! I liked how it tasted!

Because I was so inundated with the cinnamon smell I thought back to working at Fairlane mall at Superstars. Cinnabon was located the floor below us across from where we were situated in the mall. I could smell Cinnabon ALL DAY LONG! Subsequently, I gained 15 pounds while I worked there. But I only worked there from after basketball season to before softball season. Five or six months?

I really like that today was the second day of taking this Ceylon cinnamon, and it already is “less!” What I mean is that it is it’s less abrasive to take this cinnamon. Oh, it’s still HOT for sure, but it just feels a little bit “less.” And therefore a little bit more tolerable which is good, because I will have to do this for the rest of my life!

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