The Brown Mr. Sketch Marker

So, I think having MS for 23 years leads to some issues. I’m trying to figure it all out! But, I tried something today and I need to continue it for two more days.

I need to pay attention to my urinary tract health now that I am in a power chair all the time so therefore I do not move. My Mom called Zerbo’s (the local health food store/market) because my naturopath gave us another supplement to use. I am seeing him on Wednesday for ‘the go time.’

Joe at Zerbo’s told her that he knows about that remedy, but he is going to give her one better! He told my Mom that he has told hundreds of people and it will work as long as I take it as he tells us. Well, I took it this morning and it is IN-TENSE!!!

My Mom asked me this morning how I felt just after I took it and I told her it feels like I swallowed the brown Mr. Sketch marker! Because it really did!

Joe told my Mom that she needs to give me a rounded teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon and mixed it with just enough water to let it go down my throat. My Mom used 2 tablespoons. She mixed it up, and I drank it down. Man, was it HOT?!!!!

He told her to have me take it three times a day for the next three days and then one maintenance dose every day. So, I only have to take it six more times. It will taste like this: