But, okay?

Well, at least it wasn’t raining yesterday?! Because it did today, all day long!!! It wasn’t as hot so I was able to actually eat food for my lunch and I did NOT cry. Yesterday, I drank my lunch by just having another nutrition shake. I actually added another pack to my Target list because it is only early July so this summer has a long way to go!

I do not have time for crying because next week is ‘go time.’ The following week, I have an appointment with my optometrist. I was planning on having July be my Eye Care month or something because I had scheduled both my optometrist and my neural ophthalmologist for July. I thought to have some kind of cute name. Like my BookTober Fest when I worked but yeah, no. In this heat, that is NOT happening!

But, my new neural ophthalmologist rescheduled twice so then I was able to make my appointment for October 1. My appointment schedule is starting to take shape for next year. That’s how far ahead I think! That’s how my brain works. I was thinking about it today and maybe it’s a good thing that my brain works like that so I really don’t think about the fact that I go to the doctor every month of the year!!!

I’m seeing my optometrist this month and I made that appointment in February. I started seeing him in July 2021. My prescription has NOT changed since I met him. My eyes have worsened, but my prescription hasn’t changed so I can still see up close without my contacts in. It was a strange rationale, but okay.