I Am NOT Okay.

I read when I woke up this afternoon (because it’s like that now) that Beryl made landfall in Texas. I am not sure if it’s because of that or this heat, but I am NOT okay.

I have cried three times (excluding all family deaths) as an adult, where I actually felt myself ugly cry. The first time I felt that, or maybe not the ugly cry face but my shoulders were shaking and I was silently sobbing was when Adam, my trainer at Barwis was leaving.

The second time I openly sobbed was the last day I went to work before my last knee surgery. It was raining and my Mom was driving me to work. It ended up being the last day that I reported to work because then my doctor had me not go to work anymore and then I had surgery. And then I never went back to work.

The third time I openly sobbed was sadly, this morning. I was seated in my living room, and I had already washed my hands and taken my morning vitamins and then I got an overwhelming feeling, and I began to sob just for a little while before I could get myself under control. I was completely shocked! I think it is the prolonged heat that is doing this to me but I am not okay.