
Today, when I opened my eyes, and I decided to sit up in my bed, it was SO brutal!!! This heat is insane!!! This definitely is NOT sustainable!!! But it has to be sustained! I have to get through it! It’s only early July?!

I called out the big guns today and I said God three times before my eyes started well.

I saw a post on Facebook from a Facebook friend who I met on Twitter in our MS chats and we mutually followed each other there and also on Facebook when I got on once I stopped working. It was exactly how I feel:


I like seeing her say this and another MS warrior commented. Looks like we are all going through this as well!!! The tears are so close to the surface every single day that I am this miserable! Somehow, I think they are more acceptable that they are silent. My mom never says much and I wonder how badly that affects her…?