And I Can Do This

So, I went to the doctor on June 25 and just now I can talk about it. I was extremely startled when we got to the doctor’s office in the intake nurse was taking my blood pressure. We were just exchanging pleasantries when she saw that my blood pressure was coming on the monitor at 146/70.

She saw that I was not in distress and told me that we will take another reading and told me to take a few breaths and to relax. I did just that and what she does now is she puts the pediatric blood pressure cuff around my forearm because otherwise I get hickeys on my upper arm and that kind of hurts!

She came back in just as the doctor came in and told me the new reading was 122/67. My Mom just looked at me quizzically. I had my appointment and I had referrals for two different specialties. I still am collecting doctors!

My Mom and I started talking after my appointment. My blood pressure at 122/67 is NOT that good! I have been doing blood pressure readings so many times and for so many years. My normal range is 90/50 or 100/60. I just told my Mom that this heat is intense!!!

I am so happy that I called one of the specialties the doctor referred me for and I’m waiting until January to do the second referral because I have other appointments for the rest of the year!

But that’s just how my brain thinks! I already have the first third of next year planned in my head but schedules don’t open until December so I won’t make next year’s appointments until then. I never thought that my life would be like this in 1 million years but it is! And I can do this!