A First for Me

So, it’s July so I am listening to my Gavin DeGraw playlist because I cannot watch TV right now because my body feels so crazy. So I am sitting here thinking about our firs apartment! Gavin DeGraw reminds me of our first apartment. because we moved there August 1, 2005. I was listening to Gavin DeGraw’s Chariot album at the time.

So, I had a memory, it was a it was a first for me and it made me laugh so much in my mind! And here is the memory: (Don’t judge!)

I’m not sure if I’ve written about this before, but I’ve told people before, when I was a child when my Dad would give out jobs for us to do outside, like lawn work and stuff. I would ask, “What can I do Daddy?” And my Dad would give the SAME answer each time, “Honey, you just sit there and look pretty!”

My brothers didn’t like hearing that answer, but they took care of most of things around the house. I never took the garbage out the whole time I lived there! So here it is, I live in an apartment now and we have to take the garbage out Sean was too young to do it! He was three when we moved out. When the garbage was filled, I closed up the bag and put it by the door. My Mom came by often and she would grab it when she would leave.

I had to report for work for the first time at the end of August. My Mom didn’t come by for a little while so I had a bag by the door and I decided to grab it on the way out before I reported for work. I thought about this today and I laughed. I remember walking in to the office to sign in and I was beaming!!! The women at the front desk commented on my huge grin and I told them, “I took the garbage out!”

My brother, Steve, who was the assistant school leader at the time was in the office at the time as well, and he started to laugh. They all started to laugh, but they laughed more when my brother told them that I had never done it before!

*And now that I am this disabled, I don’t take the garbage out anymore either.