NOT Pleasant but…

It was necessary for me to restart the three day cinnamon regiment the three times a day for three days and then I can go back to just the maintenance which is once a day.

It was tolerable. Not pleasant, but tolerable. It didn’t taste so much like the brown Mr. Sketch marker more like a mouthful of dirt. I had nine mouthfuls of dirt! On the 21st, I will send another sample to the lab and then I will see if I have to do this for a third time. My condition is chronic!

Every Three Years?

So, I have been thinking. It was so earth shattering to see nothing in that phoropter. I am going to search through my past love posts, but I’m pretty sure that in ‘21 my optometrist moved me to an eight.

After a day, that was too much and I went back down to a seven. The past two years have been fine with my seven contacts and I could see just fine. Well, my one letter in my right eye, and three letters in my left eye.I’m thinking it’s going to be every three years I need new contacts. My mom told me that someone she knows wears a -10.

I guess there really isn’t a way for me to gauge it with disease, progression and stuff but I’m not blind… yet… I still hear that doctor in my head, and I have been for the past 23 years but now it’s an issue.. 😒😒😒

“I’m Going Blind.”

So, I’m thinking it’s going to be a multiple post situation as I am trying to sort through my eye doctor visit and my feelings about it…

Sean came over after work on Thursday. I had talked to him on Wednesday on the phone and told him about my appointment. He came in and he gave me a big hug, and I hugged him right back! He even commented, something like, “Wow, mom, that’s a good hug” to which I responded in a whisper by his right shoulder, “I’m going blind.”

I have been thinking about this since last Wednesday. I was so startled when I put my face in the phoropter (that is the name of the funny machine you put your face into to check your eyes) and I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing! I have been going to the eye doctors since second grade, That’s when I first got glasses.

I was so startled at seeing nothing, and I heard that doctor (with the ugly glasses) telling me that I was going to go blind When she told me, I had MS. Dr. Harris changed my prescription and I put contacts in so I could see so much better with them. I still have a lot to think about with this…

33 Pills

Pillaging for me has taken on a little bit more work. I take 33 pills a day now. I also leave my cheat sheet that Yanna gave me last month in the box that has all of my pill bottles so I can remember if I’m taking the pills correctly. It takes me four full rosaries to fill my pillbox! The rosaries keep my mind focused because counting pills is a lot of work!!! That and controlling my hands!!!

Bilbo Baggins

Wednesday, I left the house and it was pretty humid. I was shocked to see what my hair looked like. I looked like Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit.
That fact, kind of made me laugh, and I HAD TO take a selfie to send to my friends and to Sean. I’m not sure that Sean got the reference, but I know that my friends did!:

I had posted a picture years ago now that a school friend had taken of me in high school and this is a picture of how long my hair was growing up:

I never would have thought in 1 million years that my hair would be this short or even that my hair would be curly! I wanted curly hair for my entire life, and now that I have it, I have to cut the curls off. But here we are.

10 Pounds

I was thinking about my eye doctor appointment yesterday and it is going to take me a few more days to process, but thinking about the last time I got weighed. It was in June when I saw my PCP. That was the appointment where she told me that my weight is of no concern. Well, that’s the first time I heard that in my lifetime!

I thought of this song because based on my last weight and given my current weight, this song popped into my head because I lost ‘10 pounds’ without doing anything. But I don’t think I am in danger because I’ve been on nutrition shakes for over a year. I just thought of this song and I love her:

I think it is strange that now I am completely in the realm of the infirmed… 😒😒😒…


July was supposed to be “The Month of my Eyes,” but my new neural ophthalmologist rescheduled and then I had to reschedule that appointment for another time. I originally scheduled the visual field test for July 3. She rescheduled it for August but that did not work for me so I had to reschedule it myself. I will not go for my visual field test until October 1.

Today, Dr. Harris (my optometrist) decided to strengthen my prescription. I was at -7 for three years because that would mess with my distance vision if he made my prescription more powerful. But as we conducted my eye tests, even the three letters, or the one letter in my right eye! It was just a blur.

That startled me, and I even started to cry a little. He apologized for making me emotional, and I just shook my head. He decided to move me to a -7.5. He gave me a pair of contacts and three more trial pair to try out. I put the contacts easily in my eyes because I have been doing it for 30 years!

I could see so much clearer!!! I did not have my eyes dilated this time so he could try out readers for me. And that was a great thing as well! Here’s the catch though, he told me that I would need bifocals, and I can’t do the Invisalign transition. He said that given all that’s going on with my eyes, I need to have actual bifocals, so my eyes can adjust to distance and looking down with the magnification.

As we were driving home, my Mom told me that she doesn’t have a problem with her bifocals that are in not visible. I just told her, you don’t have optic neuritis!!! I said to Dr. Harris when he told me about having the visible bifocals and I said, “Like an old person?” he smiled and agreed. I told him then at least it would look like I have something wrong with me! So many people think I have nothing wrong, because I look totally fine. You know that I’m NOT!!!

He was going to look through all the notes in my file and fashion a pair of glasses for me with a prism. I didn’t get them today but I will get them in the coming months I think. But I am opting to use my -7 contacts until they’re gone because I ain’t got money like that!!!

I do STILL hear that first neurologist’s voice telling me that I have MS and I’m going to go blind and then I’m going to die. I think that’s why I cried today…-7.5 is still not though!!!

A Little LESS Intense

I have to report that yesterday and today it was a little less intense, taking my cinnamon. That is because my Mom really mixed the cinnamon up in the jar to blend the dirt with the brown Mr. Sketch marker. So, naturally dirt and Mr. sketch cinnamon do not taste good on their own but it was a little bit less intense so it’s a little more bearable. I think that’s good because I will have to take it for the rest of my life…

Kind of Savage

I received a summons for jury duty.
Really? Me?!

I’m home bound.

I messaged my PCP. I told her that Dr. Elias has sent a letter, probably in 2002 but that was to Dearborn to excuse me but this summons was for Detroit’s 3rd district.

Dr. Elias was my neurologist but has since retired.

I messaged her at midnight and I received a response the following morning before I woke up. Her assistant said that she placed a letter in my MiChart. My aunt Iris printed it out and we attached it to the questionnaire.

My Mom filled out the questionnaire and I asked her to read the letter to me. I initially read it one way and I wanted to see if it still sounded that way.

It does.

It’s actually kind of savage. I’m sure that is a standard letter but it said that I am her patient and she does NOT recommend that I serve and if they want additional information, they to provide need MY signature if they want anymore information. Told ya – kind of savage!!!