This Heat

So, I got locked out of my blog last Thursday. I emailed. WordPress today, but they let me know that I need to speak to Bluehost.

Two phone calls later, I got back into my blog. This heat is so insane!!! I am just concerned that it is only June and it’s already 90° weather. I cannot handle that at all!!!

I have been making it a point to write my blog daily just to keep my mind with it.


I watched this entire video and totally enjoyed it!!!:

There were definitely some bangers on this list! I texted my oldest brother and told him that I am about six or seven and hearing these songs from our basement of our house through the floorboards.

But, Martika started it off?! That was my jam!!! A Kids Incorporated alumn?!

Fergie was on that show too, but she was just Stacy back then. I had to watch this video a number of times💯💯💯

NOT Looking Forward to That!!!

I started my third week of 31 vitamins a day. At this point in the week, I have NOT forgotten to take my nighttime vitamins. I still think of Passengers, each time I open up my pillbox!:

I think that it completely looks like this and it amuses me each time that I take my vitamins:

I think that my are helping me, but the weather has changed and I am miserable! I think that I am going to feel this way until late September or October. Next week, Wednesday, is ‘go time’ it’s going to be warm and I am NOT looking forward to that!!!

Melted Ice Cream

Sean stopped by yesterday and I had him try one of my nutrition shakes. Working in irrigation, has caused him to drop weight quickly because he is walking 6 to 9 miles a day in the heat.

I told him about my nutrition shakes, and how my nutritionist told me that I should switch to that so I can get the needed nutrition from it because I don’t move all day long! I told him that the shakes keep my weight stable.

I told him that he could add it to his diet to help with the extreme weight loss that he is experiencing. He took the shake, shook it up, and drank it in two gulps. He told me that it tastes like, “It tastes like melted ice cream!” This morning as I drank my morning shake, I thought of Sean and I smiled. I never thought about it like that before.

A Lifetime Ago…

Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I had a memory of me tossing my Canadian crutches into the passenger seat of my front seat because I was still driving back then.

I ruined the passengers seat dashboard console where the glove boxes of my first two cars are that I owned! I was in a wheelchair full-time by the time I had to install my chair chopper on top of my car so I didn’t use my Canadian crutches anymore.

I can’t get into a regular a car anymore and I travel in my power chair when I leave the house. these memories seemed like a lifetime ago last night as I drifted off to sleep…

An Encore Performance

I told my Mom about the movie that I watched yesterday so I decided to watch it again today! She ended up coming back here early today, so I decided this would be an encore performance and I restarted the movie and we saw it together. We haven’t watched a movie together in a long time! Because I watched the same movie again, I didn’t post the song that I had forgotten about but then I remembered when I heard it: