Summer of Year 23

Well, today was a little milder than yesterday. Yesterday, I had a pounding headache. The day before that, I woke up with the bloody nose. It’s a horrible way to wake up!!! I am not sure which is worse, the rust smell that I have to blow out of my nose the first thing in the morning or the crimson colored tissue when I pull it away from my face. Both instances turn my stomach!!!

Today was a new one. It was about 90° for most of the day. It was at 95° where I had a pounding headache. But today, I was nauseous. My Mom kind of looked at me a few times and asked me if I was going to throw up. I just and shook my head with a slightly worried look on my face. That’s definitely anew one!

Tomorrow is “go”Go Time.” I was talking to Sean on the phone yesterday and he said that Wednesday (today) is supposed to be the hottest day on record so far. I thought that was great! I am leaving my house. More stuff to be nervous about! If it’s supposed to be so hot, I wonder how my body will react. I told my Mom that I have never had MS for this long, but I must tell you that Summer of Year 23 is DEFINITELY WAY, WAY, WAY worse than Summer of Year 22 so far and its only mid June?!!!!