Post 95°

I just thought about this at 2:56 in the morning. After our very first 95° day, I think it’s best for me to post now when I’m almost asleep because during the day, I am barely coherent. I took an extra ibuprofen 800 because I had a pounding headache! I’ve never had MS this long, I told that to my Mom the first week of June. and two weeks later, it feels like I’m going to die! But I wanted to post this story. because I read it to my Mom a few days ago and she commented that I read it really well.

That’s a thing now. speaking is not easy for me at all. I am surprised at how much work it takes for me to say things sometimes! I just communicate via text now. I will send this story to my Speech Pathologist as well. she is NOT my Speech Pathologist right now because I am speaking well. I think I may ask her for the specific reasons why my voice trails off when I speak. like, I lose my breath to get it out. My Mom hates it!

I am surprised that it has gotten like this now. I never expected MS to be this terrible!!! But, it really is!!! here is the story:

Clicking on the picture will not open the article but I put it here because I thought it was cute:


11 years ago, when I started this blog, I would have added a hot link to the picture, but MS is more than me, disease now! I think I may have written this, but it’s a mother b*tch!!!