“Oomph!” OR More Neatly

Last Tuesday, when I saw Dr. Le May, Yama, was working with him and I asked her if they were changes to my supplements. She told me that there were a lot, but it’s all written down! I decided to wait until I pillaged on Saturday to change out my vitamins.

Yanna has told me before that she likes to overload supplements in the morning so then it will give you more energy throughout the day. I listened to her this time! Yesterday when I pillaged. I knew that I put a whole lot of vitamins in the morning slot and they just barely fit!

So this morning, I dumped all the vitamins into the ramekin that I keep by my pillbox that has my therapy putty in it. I counted the pills and I had 12 pills and one wafer to eat. I took the wafer first and slowly took each pill. It was probably an hour after I took my pills, and while I was praying that I felt a huge, “Oomph!” it felt like I was sitting up straighter, and I could see clearer, even even though I was not wearing my contacts yet!

I have decided that I like my new pillbox! I’m a little startled, though. It was easier to open each slot. I was startled that I had already had 20 vitamins and I had yet to eat lunch! I guess it’s just a little bit crazy that I am THAT in-firmed now! I need this many supplements just to make my body feel better?! That’s something I’m going to think about for a while, but I think next week when I pillage, I should do it a little more neatly, especially in the morning!

*Bu the way: I didn’t notice if there was more energy, even if there was today.