Low Blood Pressure

My blood pressure started running low very soon after I was diagnosed with MS in December 2000. I think it had to be 2003 because my Dad was still alive because I left Sean him but my Mom took me to my Neurology appointment. I am not sure why she took me but I remember my blood pressure reading. It was 90/50 and my Mom was very surprised and asked me why I was not dead?! The nurse who took my blood pressure reading told her that some people run low.

I think that was because of the MS diagnosis. Fast forward to the ambulance ride to the hospital after my meniscus was torn in 2016, the EMT took it and told me that it was normal. 135/80 or something like that. I told him that I normally run 90/50 and then he noted that. chart and told me that my blood pressure is really high right now! I was just injured! Of course it was!

My blood pressure on Friday was 106/65 but there seems to be a new development when I get my blood pressure read:

I think that I am becoming so sensitive now that I seem to get hickeys from blood pressure cuffs each time! I took this picture on Sunday night and my blood pressure was read Friday afternoon.