
My Mom and I watched the first Narnia movie a few days ago. I haven’t seen it in so long that it was like watching a brand new movie. I liked it because I remember watching this with Sean when he was 7 or something?

But at the very end, when Aslan is giving everyone their crowns, he crowns Peter last, and he says that he crowns him, ‘Peter the Magnificent.’ When I heard that you know that I thought of our second apartment and when u2 was on Letterman all week:

But here’s the thing, on Monday of that week, I stayed up to watch letterman, even though it’s past my bedtime because I had to work the next morning but that Monday I realized that at 26, I am too old for their target audience, and I didn’t find it funny at all!

So, I just had to adjust my game plan. I set my alarm for 10 minutes before the show was over so then I could wake up and just watch them perform and then go back to sleep.