An Influence

I was talking to Sean a few days ago and I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I think that I am an influence on Sean. I’m talking about being a musical influence.

Sean and I have commented on the same song when we see a movie and we listen to a lot of the same music as he was growing up because I was actually growing up as well!

I had told him that my Mom and I watched Never Been Kissed a few days ago and he commented on a song that I was going to put in my blog post I wrote about it, but I decided to go with “Cutting Crew” instead. Here is the song he was talking about:

He told me that was the first time that he heard Madonna and said this was a banger but neither of us had experiences like that in high school.

He has already told me, almost apologetically, that he is NOT into U2! I told him that it’s NOT for everyone but I love them!

My Mom and I seem to be watching older movies these days because it’s easier on my eyes! HD is too much for them and I’m not sure what I am going to do because I use soft lightbulbs in my house, because the LED are too hard for me, they hurt my eyes but the LED is more cost efficient but my eyes can’t handle them but I read that LED it’s going to be the only thing available soon…

Good Thing

I am sitting in my living room with a winter hat on! Seriously?! In May?! But check this out:

It’s a really good thing that I had to abandon using my spring flavored chapstick because this is straight up winter temperatures! I will see about spring time flavors on the 17th to get my eyebrows waxed, haircut, and see my naturopath.

The Seanie Mix

I texted Sean today at 1:38 this morning because I just realized it is May 1 and that is the day, 22 years ago, that I found out that I was pregnant. I texted him that and added this song in my text because this was the song that was playing in my car when I turned it on and laced my arms through the opening of the steering wheel and rested my forehead on the top of the steering wheel:

I have never forgetten so many details from that day, because that was the moment when I realized that I was NOT alone.

This is a 22 year old memory, but I can remember wearing gray Champion, sweatpants, and a free Western T-shirt that I had gotten during the past academic year. My wet hair was in a messy bun after my shower. I don’t remember my appointment time, but I already knew that I was pregnant but I needed confirmation.

I can remember the details about the woman who spoke with me at my appointment, her name was Laura, and remember her lavender sweater set. Those memories are playing in my head right now because I don’t think I am going to sleep anytime soon.

That place is on Telegraph road and no longer is a women’s clinic. But every time I pass it, I will never forget the events of 22 years ago, today and they are forever ingrained into my mind!

I had made a “The Seanie Mix” CD just like I made “The Daddy Mix” CD. I have just added songs to a playlist on Apple Music now. I have most of the songs that were on “The Daddy Mix” CD. that is just titled, “Daddy”and I have a “Seanie” playlist but “Your Song” is NOT on it. I think I’m going to do that right now and then try my hand at sleeping…