Today is Friday and watching Jesus Christ Superstar today reminded me of a picture I took 20 years ago. Actually, 23 years ago. I thought it was the AB rooms in the activities building of my high school gym but I think looking at the picture we were on a field trip (probably with Mr. Flint) because we were wearing our uniforms but I always had a camera on me, a disposable one!:
I thought of this picture because Mary Magdalene’s song today reminded me that I sang it for a musical audition but I didn’t even know all of the words! I guess I got the part but I don’t even know what musical it was! So this song hit me today!:
I really need to clean out my phone storage but I was able to find that picture but it wasn’t what I thought it was looking at it 23 years after taking it! I still sang this song at an audition! And, this song always makes me cry as it did today: