I shared this meme on Facebook because it’s MS awareness month and I am part of 19 support groups for people with MS:
I have many mutually followed MS warriors and we share memes all the time!!!
But here’s the thing, I am slowly realizing that ‘can’t’ is definitely part of my vocabulary!!! It’s not that I wanted it to be in my vocabulary but it is here now and there’s nothing I can do to stop it!
The first ‘can’t’ I came to painfully realize was last Wednesday morning when I tried to pay my bills before I got out of bed and we were getting ready for the day because it was, “Go time.” I know that I needed to place my Target order and my Amazon order because my Target order has my nutrition shakes and my protein powder and the Amazon order I place is for my medical supplies.
I was able to pay my mortgage and place the Target and the Amazon orders but then my brain stopped! It has ‘stopped’ one other time and that was because I needed to change over to a nutrition shake so I was getting more nutrition.
I couldn’t just go back to sleep but it was definitely startling that my brain stopped functioning! I think it’s terrible that I ‘can’t’ as much as I want to!!!
So, this is the solution I came up with for next month is to segment my bill paying and I am working on recalibrating my current abilities which aren’t very much anymore…