There are three possibilities for how I felt on my birthday. I think my first forty birthdays constituted: !!! but I think my 41st birthday was just a . I don’t mind that at all!
Having had an MS for 22 years it’s seriously no joke at all !!! I am still trying to wrap my head around all that has been entailed with my disease for the past couple years. it’s all quite overwhelming!
But, I think the biggest contributing factor to my birthday changing from !!! to a . Is daylight savings time!:
I don’t think this day has ever fallen on my birthday in the past 41 years?! I had posted before that I will be gypped by one hour because of daylight savings time! My birthday was low key and I didn’t mind at all!
However, no matter how low key it was, I still had to check out my Twitter profile and I found this early this morning before I went to sleep: