A Face

Apparently, there is a face that accompanies my pain. I have noticed in the past week that when my Mom is leaving my bedroom where the laundry is and walk into the kitchen; she passes me and I will glance at her and I see her wince at the faces I make. She will say things like, “I’m sorry, Jenny” Or sometimes she will stop and kiss the side of my head.

Tonight, when I was going to bed, my Mom went to get my mouthguard from the kitchen (who would have thought that I am a teeth grinder?!) and I felt myself making a face. This hurts! 20 years of not feeling my feet and now this response that my feet are having to the trauma of my pressure sores is too much!

We are making phone calls to the Michigan department of health and human services which I am not looking forward to. But it’s a necessary evil in this before I gear up for the ‘two fer’ this month. Haircut and MRI.