We just got back from my appointment with the infectious disease clinic downtown. And as I thought it would be, I am spent.. I am so exhausted by going out today. My Mom went to pick up food and my prescriptions because I’m on some still. I will talk about it tomorrow hopefully but this is what my brother, Steve, would being like but she didn’t look like that. Her name is also Jen:
I first heard about Christmas in July a while back but I think it has been watching Hallmark channel’s Christmas in July for at least five years now I think it is starting to sink into my bones.
I just watched my new favorite Hallmark Christmas movie and I’m watching the sequel to my next favorite Hallmark Christmas movie!
I picked out Christmas ornaments because of the ornament release date a couple days ago and I even purchased a couple Christmas presents. And because it’s July, I saved $32.40! I definitely am into this now.., I think!
I was talking to Sean tonight and he is the age where he thinks that 30 is old!?! I have passed that a decade ago! I laughed and it made me think of this song because it used to be one of my jams when I used to think that 30 was old:
Well, since my Mom is an honorary wound care specialist, she changed my dressings today by herself. A package arrived yesterday and it was about 12 bottles of saline solution.
I am well aware that our government does not run like a well oiled machine most of the time but when it comes to wound care for people and disability who have already met their annual spend down, they take care of business!
My Mom looked on Amazon at the Prisma package we got. Sonya love gave her five of them and she said she would order more supplies if we needed them after my appointment on Monday. They will redress my wounds there. I definitely would have loved getting all of these supplies when my wounds were quite horrible looking and feeling but I am grateful to get them now! So, in this regard, I will give the government a grade of an A+.
So, this is my second day sans compression socks. And let me tell you that it is INTENSE!!! I am trying to come up with some cheesy song about intensity but this hurts too much!!! I told Sonya I would try my very best at being without them!
I sat in front of my TV today and was surprised at how much pain I was in:
My Mom reminded me about some thing my brother bought me:
I can only handle it at the lowest setting but it seriously helps my legs! It must do something with the blood flow because my legs don’t ache when my Mom runs it across them. She has done it twice and she will do it again before I go to sleep. Thanks Dave!!!
Sonya, my home care nurse came over today. My supplies had arrived yesterday and we waited to open it until she was here:
I had reposted a post from about a month ago explaining the ‘direct conflict’ that I was in. I have these pressure sores and I wear compression socks so the sores are not being allowed to heal as well as they could!
We have been communicating with Sonya since she first came to my house. She has told us that I may need to stop wearing my compression socks but that really isn’t an option for me because blood no longer flows easily in my legs without them on.
She spoke with the head nurse of the Home care nurses and she said that I should stop wearing my socks well my sores heal. She suggested Tubi socks instead.
Both my Mom and I decided that I would try for as long as I can to not wear my compression socks. She completed the right one and my Mom completed the left:
I will tell you that it is the weirdest feeling to not have my compression socks on! I wonder how long it will take for my legs to begin to swell. Luckily, I was able to put my shoes on over the to be socks do you get traction when I transfer:
I need shoes on when I transfer from my bed to my chair for traction. Sonya even stayed until I was safely in my chair as my Mom‘s spotter.
She cleaned my sores with saline in a syringe and activated prisma with a few drops of saline and put it on my sore. Prisma is collagen that will aid my sore in healing. My Mom will change the dressing on Saturday and on Monday I will go to the infectious disease clinic and they will clean my dressing after they look at my sores.
Sonya told us that she will call after my appointment and after she reviews the notes they put in to my chart. I have been very concerned about my feet turning purple so this is how I have been sitting in front of my TV:
I texted both my friend Bert and my best friend Ami to get their take on pants being an option while my feet heal. Here are their responses:
It seems like it’s settled. I will NOT wear pants in my house until I no longer need dressings on my feet. I think that this fact will make Sean jealous because he always wants to be pantsless in our house.
My feet feel supported because I have the Prisma on them. It feels like when I got the star on my knee at ATI after I tore my meniscus and before surgery. It will be a very long time that my feet will take to heal but at this point, I am cautiously optimistic!
I heard this commercial yesterday. It was on a commercial so I wasn’t paying attention but when I heard that song it got me thinking… here’s the commercial:
When I heard this guy singing, I did not think of Sting but rather Puff Daddy. I was in high school and I remember seeing this video on MTV back when they used to play videos:
It’s summertime and I think I just started drivers training. I am sitting up in my bed waiting for the wound care nurse to arrive to dress my wounds and I’m thinking about my former able-bodied life. I saw this tweet today:
I read that tweet a couple of times and responded with this:
I just wanted to post a silly song that had me thinking about being able bodied but the tweet that he put out resonates so much with me especially right now! I never thought that I would get this bad!!!
SONYA really gets things done! This arrived a little while ago;
I decided not to open it until tomorrow when Sonya is here for her to overnet so then I can see how well the government is taking care of me. She is coming noon tomorrow..
Sonya, my wound care nurse was supposed to have come today but the supplies have not arrived to my home yet. My Mom took pictures of my sores and sent them to her.
Full disclosure, The day before yesterday, I listened to that song from Zoey 101‘s final episode twice The day before yesterday and once yesterday. I even watched my favorite part of the episode – of the series really!
I actually watched this video The day before yesterday as I was in bed and my Mom was washing my feet. I kept exclaiming that I couldn’t believe I was watching this but I was!
Now, it’s good that I have that song all cued up because it’s about time and listen to it again right now and think of my dark red wall in our second apartment.