I saw this post on Facebook today and I wanted to share it here because this post made me think of my Dad.

My Mom and I were talking a few weeks ago. She was putting clothes into the wash and I was sitting in the living room where I normally sit in my wheelchair. I’m not even sure how this conversation started but she was telling me about going grocery shopping with my Dad. She told me that she only went shopping with him once and then decided that they would shop individually after that experience. She told me that he is very particular about putting the items into the cart in an orderly fashion where as she just throws them in.
I have witnessed my Mom loading up the grocery cart and everything is all willy-nilly! She finished putting the clothes in the wash and then walked over to the kitchen. That’s when she told me about their differences with loading the dish drainer. It was here where I had to stop her!!!
I very calmly let her know that I side with my Dad both times! It has become more apparent to me now that my Mom is staying with me how much I am like him! It is more than just loading up the grocery cart or filling the dish drainer!
I realized another similarity between us recently. When my Mom and me were leaving the emergency room last Thursday, I commented that I wished I would have been admitted because then I could have gotten Lorna Doones! I said that because I have only eaten Lorna Doone cookies at the hospital.
The first multiple day stay I had at a hospital was when I was diagnosed with MS 21 years ago. That was when I first was offered Lorna Doones. I liked it well enough and I remember when I was staying at the hospital after having Sean that I had some more.
Well, my Mom is the BEST caregiver in the entire world! So guess who picked some up for me at the grocery store not too long ago?! My Mom did and I was eating some yesterday!
It wasn’t until we were talking about it today then she commented about my Dad opening them very meticulously. she told me yesterday that I, “Looked just like Daddy!”
Today was the day when she expounding on the meticulousness of my Dad opening wrappers and we both laughed because I told her that is EXACTLY how it should be done!

So, here is a picture of the Lorna Doones and they NEED to be opened very meticulously! I just looked at her and this got another mutual laugh when I told her that, “I AM his daughter!!!