
So, I give my sleep last night a ‘B.’ I did have to move my chair probably four or five a.m. because my ankles were hurting. My Mom got me up earlier because she took my power chair to NSM again.

My chair, even though STILL nameless, will be four in July. Four was my favorite age when Sean was growing up because I could understand everything he was saying and he asked crazy questions because he did not know! I remember laughing about it all the time!

Last night, I texted my Mom a list of all the things wrong with my chair to tell the technician once she got to NSM. I was a bit concerned because I was told that I get a new chair every five years but since my chair is only four, I would have to pay for any things that I needed. I thought!

I have been on disability for five years and I am on both Medicaid and Medicare because I am physically disabled. It has DEFINITELY been complicated to say the least! I get a spend down each year which means that I need to pay out-of-pocket for things until I meet a certain amount that I will pay for before they cover things. Last year, I met my spend down on December 28.

So I was concerned about how much it was going to cost but it’s gotten to a point where I need to get things out of necessity not because I want them. As I was waiting for my Mom to call me back about what was going on with my chair, I watched GMFB clips on Twitter because I can’t wake up anymore to watch it live and to Tweet at them which makes me sad.

I saw this one and I’m not even sure who the prospect is but his answer made me laugh out loud because Sean is ALSO an early 2000‘s kid and we did jam to this song often together in my car!!! 😂😂😂

So, my Mom called me back and we had seven different things they needed to adjust/order. They adjusted everything and ordered the cushions that I needed replaced. My Mom gave me the grand total that we owed today.

$0.00. I told you that it was complicated!