So here is the deal, I finished my Vanilla Bean Chapstick The night before my birthday;

I was thinking about switching over to my Pomegranate chapstick because it will be after my birthday and spring is coming. But, the night before my birthday, it was 19°. So, on my birthday, I opened my other Vanilla Bean chapstick.
My Mom told me that today it is 48° outside and 48° is NOT warm for me. Even today, I still am wearing winter hats in my house and my thermostat is set at 73°. I blame that on a couple of things but my disease progression is not helping and the fact that my windows getting older isn’t helping either. I have a doctor’s appointment on March18 so maybe I will smell spring and will change over to pomegranate then but for now, it’s still cold so, Vanilla Bean it is.