I remember my Mom telling me once when I was young that she chose the name Jennifer because it was the most popular name the year I was born and she liked the fact that I could be called Jennifer, Jenny, and Jen.
I have been called all three of those names throughout my life and all very different situations! My family, calls me, ‘Jenny.’ If you knew me in either grade or high school, I was also known as, ‘Jenny.’ It wasn’t until college that I started introducing myself as ‘Jennifer’ because people were not understanding when I introduced myself as, ‘Jenny.’ My cousinT, Shannon, calls me ‘Jennifer.’ I received birthday wishes yesterday using all three of those names! It’s totally comfortable for me because that is how they knew me. I’m mostly, ‘Jen,’ now that I’m 40.
But there is one name, a nickname that I was given by one of my older brothers when I was 13. My brothers have always called me crazy and mean names but I didn’t really think about it when he called me this so I didn’t pay much attention. But, I did not think that this nickname would stick all the way to my 40th birthday celebration! But, it did. I am a 40-year-old woman who has been called this for the past 27 years and I guess I really don’t think anything about it which is kind of nuts!: