
I know I have shared this commercial before but I love it and Sean always tells me when he hears songs on the radio that they are, “Mom songs”:

A song popped into my head not too long ago and I remember when I first heard it, I heard it in a movie, It was in The Fault in Our Stars. I remember liking it when I heard it and when we were leaving the movie theater, (I was still driving back then) I told Sean that I liked it. He said that he liked it as well! When I heard that, I smiled and thought about it and he DOES have half of my genes!!! it would only make sense that are like for this song was mutual! I DID grow him inside of me!!!

“How I Used to Be”

I opened my eyes this morning and I’m not sure why but this song popped into my head before I even said my morning prayer. This month I have been immersing myself with Matchbox 20, so I guess that’s why. My Mom had gone to return the wall mount for the TV that was just installed was that not needed. I texted her when I woke up and I knew it would be a moment before she got back here. I did not feel well last night, so much so that before I brushed my teeth, I had to take one of my prescription pain pills. I asked my Mon what the humidity was and she told me it was at 76%. No wonder I don’t feel well! I guess that’s why I thought of this song, I am, “Unwell” but not in terms the song speaks of:

Last night, I realized that without the excitement of the holidays, I am just left with the horrible feelings I have with the winter weather and the precipitation. I never thought about the fact that I would never get better. I often think about how I used to be but those memories get further and further away every day…

A Scheduled, ‘Tune-Up’

Let me explain for you the whirlwind I have been in since my power wheelchair has been having problems. My Mom and I figured out that my chair was not holding a charge so I keep it charging all day while I watch TV. My house is very small and I don’t move around that much. It’s probably less than 10 feet from my bed to my TV in the other room. We talked and decided that I should call Diane at RIM to get my chair looked at. Take a look at how quickly and with such precision she works!:

I called her on December 19th late in the evening to leave a message for her to call me back. I woke up to a voicemail from her on December 20th that said she had also left a message with my Mom. She spoke with my Mom in the next couple days and told my Mom to have me send her copies of the front and back of both of my insurance cards. My insurance has changed since I first received my chair and now in addition to being on Medicaid, I am also on Medicare now. She also told my Mom to tell me to leave a message with my doctor to get prescriptions for both a “Wheelchair Evaluation” and a “Wheelchair repair.”

Brad, my wheelchair tech. came to my house on December 23rd. He did the evaluation and adjustments I needed to my armrests and my foot pads and then would talk to Diane about what I needed to do next regarding repair of my chair. Brad told me that day as soon as he came in and hooked my chair up to some kind of hand held voltage/Watt evaluator and told me that my batteries were not holding a charge. I did not know that I had more than one battery in my chair and I have been riding this thing for 3 1/2 years!

So, I already had the diagnosis of my wheelchair before Christmas and it wasn’t until after New Year’s dad I had an appointment to have my chair evaluated downtown at RIM. I went down to RIM with my Mom to get my chair evaluated on January 4th. It was there that Chris told my Mom to call NSM (National Seating & Mobility) set up an appointment what for my chair to come in and the worked on. Diane explained to us that it is better to have my chair go to the office instead of have them come to my house because if they get my chair on site, they have all the necessary components that I might need in the repair of my chair.

Chris and Diane both said that it is best if I do NOT accompany the chair to their office. Where am I going to sit?! I am in my chair most of my waking hours! My Mom just made the appointment for Monday. My chair is going out to Troy for a noon appointment. We rented a van to take my chair there. I will remain at my house. We have figured out that my Mom will get me out of bed and into my manual wheelchair and then Sean will come here to be with me while my Mom is in Troy with my wheelchair.

so, it seems that from late in the evening of December 19 to January 10 my wheelchair will be scheduled for a, “Tune-up.”

‘A Time to Weep’

Today, I had a memory of my Dad sitting at his place in the dining room. I had this thought and clear picture in my mind because my Mom and I were talking about my Mom taking the car to Warholak it to get the tires checked. Every time I think of that place, I think of my Dad because it smelled like it did in my Dad‘s truck. I think of Mike and Paul being my Dad‘s friends and the banter they used to have with each other. I was thinking of my Dad when Sean called. He asked me if I was with my Mom and I told him that I was, he asked her if he knew someone. Apparently, that someone came to the door and asked after my brother, Ray. The someone who came to the door was a handyman who did work at our house when I was a child. Sean used both of this man’s names and once he asked my Mom, I immediately asked her, “Mark The Carpenter?!”

As my Mom and I completed our routine today, I had all of these thoughts and memories of my Dad and I just started to cry. 15 years after my Dad‘s death, these tears don’t come as often but when they do, they easily flow down my cheeks. I’m not embarrassed by them and I do not try to stop them but they just flow until I am done thinking about him. Once I was finished crying, I told my Mom that I was going to write a blog post about it. She recently went to her house and was able to retrieve the picture that I wanted to share on her 50th wedding anniversary last October. I will share that here and now because my thoughts are about my Dad and I have wanted to share this picture. I remember that I bought this picture frame at Target years after this picture was taken but before my Dad died. Another clear memory I have had for pretty much my entire life is the fact that this passage has been underlined in our family Bible. My mom loves these verses.

So, I guess that I am feeling quite vulnerable today but I don’t feel embarrassed by all of the tears I seem to be crying today. I just miss my Dad! is it it’s like this sometimes even 15 years in, I guess, for me, right now, it’s a time to weep.

In Awe of This Competence

I left my house today. That is the first time that I have been outside since December 15th. I got my haircut and eyebrows waxed on the 15th but I left my house because I had a wheelchair evaluation appointment downtown at RIM (Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan). You see, I have had a motorized wheelchair since July of 2018. I am not up for a replacement chair until July of 2023. But now, after 3 1/2 years of use, my motorized chair is having problems. It is not holding a charge very long at all and the wear and tear of the armrests, the head rest, and my pelvis stabilizer need to be addressed, just to name a few things.

My Mom drove me downtown in a rented van that was accommodated my power chair. We had a lot of paperwork to fill out before my appointment. My Mom, as my caregiver, is my secretary. She accompanies me to all of my doctors appointments and she does the rwriting for me because I cannot write anymore. She will fill out the paperwork and have me sign it. That is the only thing I have muscle memory enough to write. That and as a 39-year-old woman, I am legally obligated to sign things at times. Especially when it comes to my medical needs! We plugged my chair into the wall as she filled the papers out because we brought my battery pack with us. Once all that was finished, we got directions to where we were going and then we got in the elevator because we were headed to the second floor.

I was able to propel myself around the corner to the elevator, get into the elevator, get out of the elevator on the second floor, make the turn to see where I needed to go but then, my wheelchair beeped and stopped moving. I have figured out that if I turn the chair off and then turn it back on, sometimes I will get enough power to move. I have been sitting in front of my TV with my chair charging most of the day for the past couple weeks. I turned my chair off once it beeped and stopped moving. My Mom walked up next to me and once I turned the chair back on I flipped it into indoor fast and I started moving and I called over to my shoulder to my Mom that I have to go and I will see her there.

I stopped when I saw Diane standing in her office. She introduced me to his Chris, the wheelchair tech from a company that Dave just started working at. It will be my new wheelchair company. They plugged my chair in as we all talked. I was quite impressed at hearing Diane and Chris talk to each other. They figured out a game plan and I sat there in awe of all of this competence! Tomorrow, my Mom is going to call National Seating & Mobility to have them make an appointment for my wheelchair to be seen.

I will NOT accompany my Mom on that trip and it makes me a little bit nervous but I need to not be seated in my chair to get the batteries and everything else worked on. Diane said that it’s always best to take the chair to Troy to their office resident having them come to see me. She said that that’s only because they have a lot of needed supplies to fix what needs to be fixed once they put my chair up on the lift and check out all the mechanical things going on. So we’ll just have to see I guess! It is strange that Diane and Christie told me 3 1/2 years ago that this chair will become an extension of myself. I told Diane that she is 100% correct but I still have the scars on all my door jambs and moldings based on the time it took for my child to become an extension of myself! I will never get the door jambs fixed because it’s proof of who I have been.

Absolute Commitment!!!

Yesterday, I saw a post from my best friend, Ami on Facebook. I watched it seven times yesterday and three times so far today!!!:

I’ve researched this before I posted it because it is fairly new that Tom Holland did this. I am ALWAYS late to the party! I was years late for Breaking Bad, Grey’s Anatomy, The office, and new girl!!! I still haven’t finished watching Downtown Abbey!

I liked that an article was written about this performance just last week so this isn’t that old but now I have it in my blog history to view anytime! I laugh out loud so much during this performance and I can’t get over the sheer amount of absolute commitment from Tom!!! He even shaved his legs and armpits?! My Mom has also watched this performance with me a couple times and she comments on his bow at the end. It’s a true performers bow!

I showed my mom Rihanna‘s video last night which made it all the more funny!!!

#MyGirlL: “You Look So Cute in Your Coat!”

Sean came over last night again and he took Leia out to go potty as my Mom was washing my legs. He put her coat on and commented as they were heading out the door, “You look so cute in your coat!” I thought the coat was cute when I bought it but I have yet to really see her in it. I turned my head as he commented because if he’s going to say she looks cute then she must look really cute!

I talked to my Mom this afternoon and told her that she had NOT sent me pictures of Leia in her coat. So she sent them to me today. She really looks cute! Even with her stoic ‘Kate Moss’ face!

How cute?!:

I really like these pictures and I am really happy with my purchase because she loves it! When we first received the package, and my Mom opened up her coat, she started to put it on her but Leia was trying to bite at the fur and the hood. My mom had told me it was a fail because of the previous coat I ordered for her didn’t work out because of false advertising on their part. It looked like it would fit our dog!:

When I saw this coat for her, I HAD TO get it! By the looks of this dog in the picture, it would definitely fit Leia because she is smaller than that dog. Well, turns out that it was too small and cannot be returned because she was wore it. Seriously?!:

So, this coat is definitely not the same coat from the picture! I’m not sure what we will do with it now. In a totally unrelated note, Sean recently bought a Carhartt Coat that has a hood similar to Leia’s and I asked him if I could take a picture of them wearing their coats together. He told me something like, “Probably never.“

We will just have to see about that!

A Melodramatic Teenager

My Mom and I watched the movie, Armageddon, last night and I haven’t seen that movie in such a long time! I remember just enough of it to know that I had just gone through the, “Most significant, life-shattering break up of my life!!! At least, that’s how I felt as a dramatic teenager who was going into their junior year of high school. That summer, I probably unhealthily exercised relentlessly! I would wake up in the morning and put my contacts in and brush my teeth and walk to the local park, hemlock Park, that was a couple blocks away and I would walk around the large track at the park 10 times. Hi think the entire circumference was about a mile but I would do that every day and then I would walk home and continue being a melodramatic teenager! I remember that summer that I walked to my friend Natalie‘s house on the other side of Warren close to our school One day and say remember putting on Moonlight Path Shimmering Lotion from Victoria’s Secret. I remember that that lotion smells so good and made my entire body sparkle in the sun.

Watching this movie last night made me think about my high school experience. In retrospect, that was the best time of my life but I did not know that then. I did not know that I would be diagnosed with a chronic illness eight months after I graduated. Looking at it now, I realize that I peaked in high school and I have been managing this chronic illness since then and right about now it’s getting to be a little bit more difficult. Why did I have to waste so much time being a melodramatic teenager?!

January 2022 Faves

So, I HAVE TO write my faves this month! I cannot help but think about when Sean came over a couple weeks ago and laughed about the music that was playing in the bar Colin was at inWisconsin. He laughed even harder when I started mouthing the words to what Robb Thomas was saying!:

But then there was the blog post I wrote about Leia coming to my rescue at night and being a, “Beautiful Girl”:

This song made me buy the album from Matchbox 20 the summer after I graduated and I jammed to it on my way to work at 7-Eleven.

I remember driving to our softball field up the street from the school to have practice when I was a dramatic teenager:

Ah, to be hopeful about and long distance relationship…

And ultimately… I DO have, “A hole in me now [and] a scar I can talk about…”

New Year’s Day 2022

Today, I can post a song from my FAVORITE band that it’s only fitting TODAY:

And because this year will mark my 40th year, I had to get this shirt because it’s true now…

I think I look like my Dad in this picture. I think it’s the glasses that I have to wear now. What I am now discovering is the trifecta of symptoms in my 21st year -= vision problems, chewing problems, and speaking problems!!! 😒😒😒