Hello Again, Cocoa Mint!

Last night, I pulled off the strip to unseal my Cocoa mint chapstick. I did that last night because I knew that I would not have much dexterity in my fingers in the morning. This was so I would be prepared to say hello again to my Cocoa mint Chapstick!

So as I got ready for bed last night, I listen to Bruce Springsteen one more time for my cousinT, Shannon because that’s her favorite song. Before I went into my room, and I put my ginger spice Chapstick on for the last time. That smell will always remind me of my a bola and bring such fun nest for Christmas is at her house:

I didn’t learn until this year that she loved bangle bracelets. Learn something new every day even though she has been gone for 31 years. I can’t wear bangle bracelets because my wrists are too small. I’m thinking of alternating the shortbread cookie chapstick just so it gets used up…