
I talked to Sean on the phone yesterday. He asked me I watched, Hocus Pocus and when I told him that I did, he asked if I like scary movies. I told him, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” He then told me that I need to find a new Halloween movie. I didn’t think so at all!

He then asked me if I could say the movie verbatim. He laughed at my silence and I told him that I never have thought about it! I then proceeded to tell him the first five minutes of the movie!

He laughed pretty hard at that and told me that it is really bad! I then proceeded to quote Max, Allison, and Dani when they are in the alley behind the Italian restaurant. I told him that I really like the movie and it doesn’t matter that I can say the dialogue verbatim! I think I would mess it up a bit because sometimes I have difficulty speaking but I think I would do pretty well!

We had this conversation yesterday which marked T-15 which means that his birthday is in two weeks from today!!! In .T-14 days, I will have a 20 year olds as a child!!