My Teacher Voice

This evening, my brother, Steve, and his girlfriend brought over dinner for my Mom and me for Mother’s Day. I appreciated that I got in on her Mother’s Day present from him because she’s staying at my house! so, before we chowed down on our Antonio’s, my Mom brought the food into the house and wiped it all down and cut my food up for me because it’s like that now.

As my Mom was in the kitchen, preparing our food, Leia put her front paws on the shelf by the door! She was dangerously close to grabbing tissue out of the box that was there. It was just her and me in the living room and then, “My teacher voice” came out! It startled me because I have an use their voice for almost 4 years. But when Leia got up onto the shelf, it just came out! I think I said something like, “Hey! Get down!”

Of course, she got down because she’s a really good girl! But hearing my own voice definitely startled me! They came out so naturally in the moment but my speech has been a problem for sometime now.

It was kind of nice to hear how my voice sounded so many years ago though. Many of my former colleagues and friends are still teaching and my heart goes out to them for all of the hard work they are currently doing! I don’t think I could do it! But it was nice to hear that when it comes down to it, I still got it! I don’t know how long I will still have it but it got Leia down!