My The Office Binge: Day 6

I am still on season three. I just finished watching the Christmas party episode. I think the music during this season was pretty awesome! I absolutely love hearing myself laugh and every one of these songs make me laugh so much because I really dig them! It started with Jim saying at the Stanford branch;

And then there was the merging of the offices:

And then Carol dumped Michael:

I thought the Christmas parties of Pam and Karen and Angela‘s party was absolutely hilarious!!!

My The Office Binge: Day 4

I was completely on track to finish season two today of my binge of The Office. But then I saw the Valentine’s Day episode where Michael goes to New York to meet the new CFO. And then he showed his video montage of his office in Scranton:

I especially liked Jan‘s face during the video but I will have to say the song choice = EPIC!:

I love how my ultimate, favorite band ends up in random pop culture scenarios. I know I am extremely late to this office party but I’m here now and Sean tells me that he knew I would like this show just once I gave it a chance. I completely love how I laugh outloud continuously!

My The Office Binge: Day 3

So, I’m still on season two and I just watched the Christmas party episode.

I think I really appreciate the escape from my anxiety anxiety with the coronavirus. I kind of like hearing myself laugh and it doesn’t really matter because I’m by myself! Sean warned me that this would happen, I just keep watching episodes because they continually play on Netflix without commercials.

Seeing the Christmas party episode with the Secret Santa fiasco made me laugh especially! I thought of an OG CCA Christmas party and I really started to laugh! It was probably my second or third year teaching and it was a great time and Beck when all of my colleagues and I were all really great friends!

My The Office Binge: Day 2

So, my Facebook friend shared this yesterday and it’s pretty true!:

In the middle of this pandemic, my life really hasn’t changed very much. In the winter, I’m pretty much only left my house once a month to get my eyebrows waxed. Since I have made the executive decision to NOT venture out to get them done, today is day one of, “The Growth Project.” I should be getting my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed today, but I am not.

Today also marks the second day of my The Office binge. I watched six episodes yesterday which I found out today was the entire first season. Now, I am on season two, episode six.

I figured out that I can comfortably watch two hours of The Office in a day. I wonder how long I can keep that pace up because I know there are a bunch of seasons but what else is there to do?

I am completely in on the show in Sean cannot believe that it is taken me so long to watch it. Like I said yesterday, it’s better late than never and the show is pretty funny!

Better Late Than Never: My The Office Binge

So, I am a pretty big binger. I binged New Girl fairly quickly and Game of Thrones in 10 days. I completed a binge of Euphoria in a matter of days. I, most recently, binged The Last Kingdom in just a few days.

When Sean came home from school one day, I chose to brag about it to him and he told me that he didn’t appreciate my binge because I have NOT binged The Office. I laughed when he said that to me but he has also told me that I have a lot of, “Irresponsible TV time” under my belt.

Now that I am no longer working, I suppose that is true. But today, I decided to change that. Today marked the first day of my The Office binge:

I watched six episodes today. I know that I have a long way to go but within the first five minutes, I laughed out loud! I I am also glad that I got to understand the reference of seeing Dwight in a basketball mask. Sean just showed me that the other day and I laughed even harder when I saw in myself in the episode.

I wonder how long this binge will take but I know I have a lot of TV to watch. I will be excited to tell Sean that I watched it and it’s entirely. He has told me that I am only about 15 years to late. He is told me that he has watched it in it’s entirety about 9 times and he was a kid when it first came out. He says that since I was an adult when it came out that is even worse. Well, I have begun my The Office binge. It’s better late than never, I suppose…

Executive Decision

I remained a silent observer in tonight’s #ChatMS. The group discussed the coronavirus and I could not bring myself to add my two cents to any of the questions. I just read everyone’s answers. I have had MS for 19 years now and like everyone in the #ChatMS group have a compromised immune system. We are all in the group who is most vulnerable to this virus. I just watched and read everyone’s answers that are the same as mine would be. I even cried a little bit.

A question was posed about what would be something you wish people understood about MS and this virus. Bottom line = if I get it, that would NOT be good to say the least. I am grateful that my Mom takes excellent care of me! I even had to cancel my dentist appointment because of the virus. One thing that I was not going to discontinue was getting my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed. I have budgeted my money so that every month, when I get my disability check, I can get my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed at the same time and in the same place I have been going to for the last 17 years.

The more I watch the news, which I am glued to every day until it makes me cry because I get so afraid; has made me really reassess that decision this month. I told Sean yesterday that I made the executive decision to, “Let my hair and eyebrows ago.” Originally, when I decided this, I thought of an old episode of the 90s game show, Singled Out with Jenny McCarthy.

In that episode, it was the final round and the three finalists answer “Either/or”questions to advance to get closer to the person they will go on a date with. The girl who ultimately ended up winning in the show, decided to let her eyebrows grow rather than keep them groomed and trimmed. I remember she was a really cute girl and I thought her answer was fun. However, “Fun” it was, it definitely would NOT be the answer I would give and I was only about 14 when I saw the episode.

I get my disability check soon and I’m NOT going to go to the salon to get my haircut or my eyebrows waxed. I think it is more of the principle of my decision that makes me MOST sad. I rarely leave my house except for my monthly eyebrow appointment but now, going out and being in the world just doesn’t seem like a good idea with my compromised immune system.

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #87

My brother, Steve, nominated me to participate in sharing 10 albums that have shaped my musical taste. I Just shared my fifth album with my Facebook friends. Yesterday, my brother shared this album as one of his albums that shaped his musical taste:

That is a great album! I commented that I was going to share that album because I really dig it! I really dug it when I was young. I dug it when I was young because my bedroom was directly above his bedroom and I heard that I am bum often when he listen to it. My favorite song is:

I haven’t heard this song in so long, but I really dug that it is one of his albums!


So, Sean did not have school on Friday and he did not go out Saturday night. I have been glued to the TV and as I hear more and more, the concern for immunocompromised people, I get afraid. That’s me. I am immunocompromised. I watch TV and I am shocked and become aghast. I don’t want to get sick!

When it all started to get a Little too overwhelming, I changed the channel and watched one of my favorite movies, The Thomas Croen Affair:

Whenever I watch this movie, I fantasize and think about being that rich but also that able-bodied! But I feel that the most startling event happened to me and came early this afternoon as I ate lunch.

Sean, who was here, came into the kitchen to got himself a glass of milk from the refrigerator. I looked over at him from my corner of the kitchen and noticed him drinking his milk.

Because he did not have school Friday and did not go anywhere on Saturday, he did not shave his face. As I looked over at him, I noticed a substantial amount of stubble on his jawline and cheek which startled me the most. Amid all of the fear and uncertainty that I am feeling, the most sterling is to see visual evidence of my son growing up! Regardless of what may happen to me, I am still a mother first and foremost!