A Follow-Up Appointment

The medication Sean has been on for the past five days were not working. It was painful to hear him cough so vigorously in the morning! I was concerned that even though it dried out a little bit, it still sounded wet. A wet cough could mean continued pneumonia. He wanted to go to school today. It was the final day for the antibiotic and he really wasn’t sounding much better.

He had a follow up appointment today. His new internist has seen him three times in the past three weeks. He was also concerned that he was not getting better and he told him that he looked worse. I know he said that because my Mom went to the appointment with him. I was so grateful that she went with him.

Sean does not think that his premature birth is the big deal and he just dismisses me when I tell him that he was born with underdeveloped lungs and two months preemie IS a big deal!

They were at the doctor’s office for a while and when they got back, my Mom and Sean, (But mostly my Mom) let me know that he got two chest x-rays and they drew blood. The doctor was surprised that he was none better and he prescribed a stronger medication.

Sean took his new medication and went to sleep so I made the follow up appointment for next Friday. When I spoke with a nurse from the office, she told me that Sean needs to finish all of his medication before seeing the doctor next Friday and the doctor will decide if and when he can go back to school.

My Mom let me know that hospitalization is NOT off the table yet so Sean needs to be home. Being a young man, he doesn’t really appreciate that but I need him healthy! We got to watch two episodes of Prodigal Son today. Sean is not a big-time Binger like I am but I like to watch TV with him whenever I can! He doesn’t really have a choice right now anyway!