This afternoon while my Mom and I ate lunch, she was paying a bill and needed to talk to someone so she was on hold. Once she was placed on hold, they started saying something about services they offer or something and then once they stopped speaking, music came on. I was completely shocked at hearing that song! Then, they started saying something else so the music stopped but then a few seconds later, the music started again.
It was a song I was very familiar with and I remember hearing it and liking it in either my upper class men high school years or in my young adult years. It took me a minute to figure out who I was hearing as the music that plays when you are on hold. Basically, it was the ”Elevator music.” When I figured out who was singing, I told my Mom what it was and that hearing it while you were on hold is, “NUTS!!!
Dave Mathews is the coolest ever! The fact that he is playing as the music when you are on hold proves that I am SO old now!!!