“That’s Enough!”

I was very pleased with the outcome of Saturday’s football games for wildcard weekend this year. I was hopeful that the 1 o’clock game would end with my team winning and I hadn’t really decided who I wanted to win the second game. I was OK if it was either the Seahawks or the Eagles.

But then, the Saints lost. And really upset me! I told Larry Foote In the summer of 2013 that I was a post-season Packers fan. Sean and I both have Cheeseheads that we would only wear during the post-season. But I’m not so sure that I am a post-season Packers fan anymore. I am a post-season Saints fan. I guess that is fitting given that I am a regular season Lions fan so I understand disappointment.

Well, I am super disappointed now because the Saints are out of the playoffs again. It reminds me of working with the Adam at Barwis. this had to be six years ago but there was a man who played in the CFL and was looking to get into the NFL, that’s why he was working out at Barwis. Adam was stretching me on the white table and the man was sitting on the turf not too far away and stretching after his work out. Adam asked him which NFL team he would want to play and if he had the choice.

Adam is a big Eagles fan and back then he was a Rex Ryan fan so he wanted the guy to play for them. I can still remember seeing the guy sitting on the turf and choosing the New Orleans Saints. I wasn’t listening to their discussion about reasons to play for the Saints but once it was over, I remember saying and kind of singing, “Because their uniforms are SWEEET!!!” I remember it amusing both of them and they agreed that the Saints uniforms are sweet because they are!

As Sean and I watched the Seahawks versus the Eagles, Eve’s song played as they were coming back from commercial. Sean was laying on the couch behind me and I had my left hand up and was bopping my head to the music. That song used to be my jam! Third album came out during my senior year of high school.

As I moved my hand completely with the music, Sean told me,”That’s enough!” I started to laugh and just be for the game restarted, I told him Sandra bullocks line in Hope Floats. I told him, “Once upon a time, your mama knew what it meant to shine!”

i’m not sure who I will root for in the playoffs (If any) because I wanted the Saints to go all the way and win the Super Bowl. I don’t know which team I will join the bandwagon for just yet.