Phase 6 = Complete.

This step is technically a Phase 6 but it’s really Phase 5.67 because I still can’t find my tree skirt! I know that Sean doesn’t care but I do.

I love my nativity scene! I bought it 15 years ago when I bought my tree. I got my Mom the same nativity set as well! Close to that time, I also got my snowflake candle holders:

My Mom does not want me burning candles when I am home by myself so this is how it looked:

But then Sean came home so he could light the candles for me:

My living room really smells good and when these candles burn out, I will stick with the holiday theme and burn peppermint candles.

*By the way, the nativity pieces are plastic even though they look like they are glass. Sean was small when I bought it.

27 Days of Christmas Movies – Day 8

Day 8, Movie 8 A Charlie Brown Christmas

I think I’m feeling pretty nostalgic today! I have seen this movie a countless number of times! I showed it to all of my classes for probably 10 or 11 years. Is the perfect length for a half day class just before Christmas. I always gave my students their choice of a Tootsie Roll Pop. That was my thing. Charlie Brown movies remind me of my teaching days and when I used to participate in the world. I watched it twice.

27 Days of Christmas Movies – Day 7

Day 7, Movie 7 The Polar Express

I have never seen this movie. I found it odd that I have never seen it but it was a little bit familiar. I asked Sean if we saw it at the movies and he said that we did but about halfway through it, I couldn’t remember it!

It took me a minute but then I remembered that Sean went to the IMAX with his Kindergarten class to see The Polar Express. My Mom went on the trip with him because she was one of the teachers when he was in Kindergarten.

I also remember at one Christmas Eve mass, the pastor give his normal holiday homily. He called all of the kids up to sit with him at the altar and Sean may have been in fourth or fifth grade but he wanted to go and sit with the other kids. I’d let him and father Jim talked about, “Believing” and its importance around Christmas time and all year as a Catholic. That year, he handed out bells to the little kids but they ended up running out so Sean didn’t get one because he was one of the older kids.

Now, it all makes sense! Since Sean went on the field trip with his class, I didn’t need to take him to see the movie. That was out thing back then because I could still drive and we went to the movies often. Now that I’ve seen The Polar Express everything makes sense about Fr. Jim’s homily from years ago. I actually am glad that I saw it even though I am passed the kids’ age of “Hearing the bell,” I like that I’ve finally seen it! The kids’ eyes ARE a little bit weird but I was okay with it!

Phase 4.33 = Complete.

So, I know it has been a minute since I updated my tree progress but a strand of lights burnt out and after discussing it with my Mom, it just has to say dark because she would have to take the beads and the ornaments off to fix it. Also, I can’t find my tree skirt?!

This morning, when I woke up, I noticed my Mom put my star on my tree as I made my way to the living room.

And there is a bonus, “Merry Christmas wreath” on my door! I have to have my wreath on the inside of my door because the space between the door and the storm door is too thin and it won’t fit my wreath between them.

Christmas tree progress is therefore at Phase 4.33 complete. Putting our stockings up and my tree skirt on will complete this phase but I don’t know where my tree skirt is!

27 Days of Christmas Movies – Day 6

Day 6, Movie 6 The Holiday

I decided/admitted yesterday that I am a cheeseball when it comes to Santa Claus. Today, I just wanted to see a cute holiday movie.

Graham Simkins!!! 😍😍😍 He could edit my writing any day of the week! Jude Law is my fave in this one! I have known some Jasper Bloom’s in my life and I’m grateful I no longer know them. Overall, this one is a real good holiday movie for me!

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #68

At the end of the Christmas Chronicles movie, after spending the night delivering presents with Kate and Teddy Pierce, Santa tells them that, “ They what is the best [human helpers) he ever had.” Even though it is not a holiday themed, I still thought of this song!:

I have already posted that I am a cheeseball!