Down the, “Rabbit Hole” Again OR #DirtyHairDontCare

Yesterday, my Mom saw the beginning of a movie on Netflix. She stopped watching it and came to my house he told me that she wanted to watch it with me. There have been times before when my Mom will watch the stupidest movies and Netflix. I constantly warn her about that but she always ends up watching them. I figured that I would give this one a try. Rob Lowe was in it and more importantly, it had ELEPHANTS in it! I love elephants!

I finished watching it today after GMFB was finished and I really dug the elephants! I recently previewed the hallmark ornament selection available this year and they had an elephant. I’ve been debating whether to get it or not this year as commemoration of the random movie my Mom suggested.

As the credits were rolling, I watched the preview they offered on Netflix. The preview kind of made me laugh so then I when down, “The rabbit hole” AGAIN! I started watching that movie. I was able to watch half of it before my Mom came over to complete our morning routine.

I just finished watching it. Because my Hocus Pocus watching days are over because Halloween has passed, it is now Hallmark Christmas movie watching time! I didn’t wait for another preview after I watch the second movie so I just turned on Hallmark movies.

A while ago, on GMFB, they showed a clip of Kay from even longer ago and she had dark hair. She said, “#DarkHairDon’tCare” and I tweeted her about us being the same person because she is also left-handed and 5 feet tall. I let her know that I also have dark hair.

But today, somehow, I can’t seem to get warm. I am bundled up in a hooded sweatshirt and I have one of Sean’s winter hats on. During our morning routine, I couldn’t handle taking my hat off to wash my hair so I told my Mom, “#DirtyHairDon’tCare ” like Kay did a while ago.

ALMOST Forgotten Tune #60

I loved my house today. My Mom had to take me to my credit union to handle some business. No, I did NOT win the lottery! I was able to hear this gem though. I know that I have shared it before somewhere on this blog, probably years ago, but I really appreciated hearing in even though it’s not summertime!

The Little Mermaid LIVE

I saw on Facebook yesterday that this would be an ABC. The Little Mermaid is iconic to me! I think I saw in for the first time at the movie theater for a friend of mine‘s birthday party. Either way, my friends and I watched it over 1 million times when we were in grade school! We all sang along with the entire movie!

It had been so long since I last saw in because I had a little boy so I only watched little boy movies. When he was small, he would not let me watch The Little Mermaid!

As soon as it was on, I changed the channel to watch it. I was amazed that I still knew all of the words to the movie and to all of the songs! However, I think I prefer the cartoon version to the live version only because I have heard it the way for all of my childhood. I still had to watch the whole thing though!

I can no longer sing along with the movie as if I am Ariel because I no longer have the strength in my vocal cords and can’t use my chest to push the sound out.

I did not realize how much I loved the ending of the movie. In fact, I think I only love it so much because my Dad is gone now. I always called him, “Daddy.”

This scene really got to me and I cried. I was by myself watching it so it really didn’t matter.

Our Place

So, when I was growing up, my Dad used to take the entire family out to Red Lobster for dinner for special occasions. That was our place for birthday dinners. Red Lobster does not accept large party reservations. Since I started driving, it was my job and to go there, sit there after giving the hostess our name, and wait in the restaurant for everyone to get there. Sometimes I waited for over an hour.

My birthday is in March and it is most often during Lent. My birthday dinner always ended up having to beat Red Lobster. As Catholics, we aren’t supposed to eat meat on Fridays, hence Red Lobster. My immediate family was 12 back then. I would tell them as they slowly got to the restaurant that I would much rather have my birthday dinner at Wendy’s. It never happened.

We (my Mom, brothers, and me) as a family, haven’t really been there since the dinners we had with my dad. I take that back, my Mom, my brothers, their families, and me and Sean went with one of my Dad’s coworkers not too long after his funeral. Sean and I went there a few years ago for Mother’s Day.

My brother takes his family to a steakhouse. Now, I can’t afford steak at all! So, I guess my place is Red Robin. I like that place for my birthday so I asked Sean if that was OK with him for his birthday this year. He agreed. When my Dad first died, my Mom, Sean, and I went there often because we were so broken and neither my Mom nor I could muster up the strength to cook.

There is a Red Robin not too far away from my house and Sean and I used to go there when I could still drive. I always let him get a chocolate shake. For me, I am a huge fan of the guacamole burger! No onions and no tomatoes, medium.

Sean and I went to the Red Robin in Westland on Saturday for his birthday. I even got a chocolate shake with him for his birthday! I haven’t had one of those in so many years! The parking lot hand and extra large parking spot that we parked in. It was comfortable for me to get transferred into and out of my will chair. That never happens!

I told Sean that this is our place because it’s what I can afford. He did not mind at all! I made it a point to force myself to get out and eat in a restaurant in my manual chair because my baby does not turn 18 every day! It has taken me three days to recover from my outing for his birthday and I am not fully recovered yet.

November 2019 Faves

Please forgive my oversight! With Sean turning 18 this past weekend, I was a little bit discombobulated and thus, forgot to post my faves. Better late than never, I suppose! Sean and I ended up going to eat at Red Robin’s in Westland on Warren Road. The parking spot we ended up parking in was an extra large disabled one, man! Shout out to you and your accessible ways, Red Robin Westland!!! I will never forget the spot where I could comfortably be loaded into and out of my wheelchair.

I think this post will serve as a reminder for our birthday dinner and my boy’s 18th birthday. As Sean drove, he used his phone to navigate and I used mine for tunes. Well, I always HAVE TO start off the music with my jam! Saturday was no different:

It always seems to get a chuckle out of Sean. I recently thought about this album and put it on my Apple Music playlist. Sean remembers these songs from his youth. I played the CD on loop in my car for the entire summer I think. Maybe even longer.

Prince has been on my mind lately and I recently read Mayte Garcia’s Book about her time with Prince. She also has MS. I thought of his epic halftime show years ago and asked Sean if he had ever seen it. Unfortunately, he has NOT! I told him to watch it and witness Prince willing the heavens to open and it to rain!

Super Bowl footage in case Sean doesn’t search it out himself: