Random Songs in My YouTube Feed #14

I only had one, “Big Girl” job for the entire time I was in the adult workforce. I only taught at one school for the entire 12 years I taught. A large part of those years, I taught with the same people. Recently, I have missed them and felt a longing ache To talk with people I saw pretty much every day during the school year. This song showed up in my YouTube feed early this morning and it made me miss talking football among other things with one particular coworker:

I dig Pretty Woman but it is mostly the song that is playing in the background for this video. 80s Romantic Pop, 80s Love Songs. It reminded me of many conversations I had on a daily basis with a former colleague. I miss him!

Random Songs in My YouTube Feed #13

I saw this one very early this morning because I could not fall sleep last night. I didn’t fall i’m sorry but until about 2:00 a.m. I had to listen to this song because it took me way back to my beginning years of teaching and I thought about my friend, Joe, who made me this sign:

It’s modeled after the BET show, 106 & Park. My first classroom number was 106. He made me the sign that I hung in my classroom when I taught English. Instead of Park, it said “Rios.” I used that sign for the five years I taught from room 106. I still have it; it’s in my basement somewhere with all of my teacher things.

I used to call my friend Joe, “Seph” because I think he called me, “Fer.” He was brought up how people have nicknames and he wondered why they shorten the name to just the beginning, so why not the end?! I thought of that random conversation because this song came out the summer after my first year teaching. It’s the summer I went to Florida for treatment. I’m sure I have pictures of Sean from then. He was really little back then. I will have to find them.

Tweets to GMFB that I Haven’t Chronicled Here This Week: #3

This morning, the table went around and named their favorite teacher growing up. They stated the year they were in school and their name. I tweeted GMFB this:

Because I am still waking up during the show, I don’t think I had my contacts in yet and I dictate all of my texts into my phone anyway. I should have written “at” instead of “and.” I really have had too many great teachers to name! I’d start with my aunt Lissa, Mrs. Szuba, Mrs. Pazur, Ms. Graybill, Mr. Dean… and don’t even get me started on my professors in college! Dr. Watson, Dr. Smith…

Tweets to GMFB that I Haven’t Chronicled Here This Week: #1

I guess I am on a time delay because it is so cold I guess. I sent this tweet on Wednesday after watching The Long Show segment on GMFB in which Kay Adams hosts a game show complete with a Price is Right microphone. She asks the guys a question and they have as long as the play lasts in the previous week’s games to answer it. Sometimes it is the physical challenge and other times they just give a verbal answer.

Last Wednesday, Kay asked Peter to name all of the Georgia Bulldogs in the league. WELL, DUH! MATTHEW STAFFORD IS A BULLDOG!!! That is the reason that Sean got me a University of Georgia hoodie for my birthday last year and I have since bought myself a Georgia football T-shirt. I thought for sure that Peter would know that he is a bulldog. I think he named 10 players who went to the University of Georgia and he did NOT name Matthew Stafford! I was aghast! I tweeted him this:

I thought of this segment on GMFB because I had gotten an alert from the NFL app on my phone that my man, Matty is NOT playing this weekend. That fact really bummed me out! I hope he will end up being okay!!!

Tune #43, #44, and #45 Inspired by GMFB

So, I guess because it takes me a while to wake up and get engaged with GMFB now that it’s winter, I tweeted Kay and Peter because The table’s segment regarding the power rankings with Dan Hanzus and they described teams using Canadian rock bands. It really made me laugh! They all are comparable to my age so I really get their musical references. Kay was first:

But then came Peter:

Nate rounded it off and I thought he would have a better showing with being Canadian and all but this song choice was solid:

I’m not sure why I didn’t tweet Kyle because his answers are always great! But…

Random Songs in My YouTube Feed #10

I saw this song/video this morning in my YouTube feed and I didn’t want to forget it. I shared it on Facebook. This song reminds me of when I still taught English and I got four copies of the Twilit book series for my class for Christmas. It was when I got this present for my classroom that I actually read the books. Seeing this video and hearing this song brought back all of those fond memories!