Today is the third day in which I have slept a large part of the afternoon and then into the evening. I just opened my eyes and I am super groggy. I think it’s terrible that even after a long sleep, I NEVER feel rested.
I have felt this way since getting back from my days at hotels when my power was out. It’s frustrating to me that I can’t just, “Bounce Back.”
What seems to happen is that I fall asleep with the TV on and maybe 45 minutes or an hour later I turn it off and fall back asleep for another hour or two. I wake up and look at, “My queue.”
Those are the books that I still need to finish. I have already started a few of them but I can’t seem to gather the strength to concentrate and read. My eyes are wonky anyway. The last time I read it was July 20th before my power went out. I hope to restart and complete reading them again soon!
Maybe I should just remove them from the corner of the desk under my TV but I choose to think this stack will encourage me to begin reading sooner than later. I just turned Pride and Prejudice on again but I fear that I may fall asleep again. I can’t get over how tired I am! MS really stinks! Oh, and my knee still pops out which hurts a whole lot!