
This morning, on Good Morning Football Tiffany Blackmon (she’s filling in for Kay this week) asked the guys there favorite long haired man for #WhiteboardWednesday. Kyle’s answer was gold! Absolutely gold! I am not talking about this kind of gold though:

Kyle’s answer was Chris Gaines. You know, when Garth Brooks released an album under a different name.

I actually own this CD. It’s somewhere in a box with like 200 other CDs that I never listen to anymore. But it definitely took me back!

I wrote about the song I liked from this album and reposted that post on Facebook and Twitter. It was from August 1, 3016. I had a memory of back when I was a server at Lonestar Steakhouse the summer after my Senior year. I was still walking then and it was before my MS diagnosis.

I can clearly remember walking through the dining room waiting on tables and this song coming over the loudspeaker. When I first was hired in, one of the managers asked me if I listened to country music. I told her that I did not. Her answer was simple and confident, “You will.” She was right!

I am Kyle‘s contemporary because I just turned 37 so we’re close in age but this choice was absolutely gold! I appreciated it so much and this song has been in my head since this morning! I LOVE this show!!!