2.9.16 Brunettes

i had to cancel/reschedule my Monday ATI appointment but I was able to get an appointment on Tuesday.  Luba opened the door or us as my Mom pushed me into ATI.  I noticed Luba’s hair immediately!  She is a brunette now!  I told her that I liked her hair and she laughed and said, “[She] is a brunette now.”  We both are Brunettes.  She used to be blonde.  I told her the we (Brunettes) REALLY have more fun!  Luba’s late days are Tuesday’s and Thursday’s so I made appointments with her until March 8th.  I see Dr. Frush again on March 24th and he told me to lay off Barwis for a while.  I probably won’t go back until after I see Dr. Frush agin.

He said that I would be bruised for 3-4 more weeks and sore for another 6-8.  I am a bit sore.  When I took my sweatpants off to work with Luba in my shorts, she immediately noticed that my right leg was bigger and discolored in my groin.  She had me lay on the table and measured my legs.  My right leg’s circumference was 6 cm. bigger than my left.  STILL!  Then she measured my range of motion with her protractor thing.  She took a lot of measurements.

Filling out the paperwork before we begin is a little tricky because I am wheelchair-bound so it is tough to say how my injury interferes with my normal daily activity.  It’s nice that Luba understands what I do at Barwis because they share space.  That is why I went to ATI.  That and coming in, I got to see Nick, Deeds, and Mike Morphitt.  I was going through withdrawal and I’m NOT ashamed to say it!  Luba stretched me out and I got stim on my leg before I left and that felt SO good!  It’s like last time I hurt my leg, I guess healing is going to take longer than I expected.  Dr. Frush does not lie so unfortunately I think I will be sore for 6-8 weeks.