10.23.15 A Book Signing OR A.R. #3

I didn’t go to Barwis on Wednesday (still working out the scheduling) but I was able to go on Friday but I went at 7.  I got there a little bit early so I saw Chris and Emily leaving.  I smiled at them and asked how book sales were going and asked how I could get one.  Emily told me that they had some in the van and she can grab me one.  I was so excited!!!  I’d never had gotten a book from the author before!  He even signed it for me!!!


I had never been to a book signing… Until now!!!  I hugged the book to my chest and was excited to read it!  Chris wished me a good workout and I was ELATED!!!  The gym slowly got quiet because I was not the only client working out.  Megan was somewhere on the other side of the gym so I couldn’t see her.

I went to the first black table and my Mom sat on the blue table next to me.  Mike asked what we wanted to listen to.  My Mom chose Fleetwood Mac.  I could dig that.  Mike and I did our normal PNFs.  Then we worked on my core.  It was A.R. #3.  We did all kinds of exercises using different core muscle groups.  I felt productive doing these and have noticed that I am sitting up taller in my chair so it seems to be helping.  We drove home with my sides aching but it was a GOOD ache.

I was excited to show Sean my book!  I showed many colleagues at work on Monday and anticipated getting through the book quickly.  NOT the case!  I’ve since seen Chris and he asked how I liked it.  I told him that I LOVE it but I’m not finished because keep having to stop because I’m crying,and crying, and crying but it is SO GOOD!!!

The Power of Faith When Tragedy Strikes by Chris and Terry Norton