2.12.14 “Walking Wednesday” #17

I went to Barwis not knowing what to expect.  This bitter cold STILL continues and it is KILLING me!  I’ve had A LOT of “Walking Wednesdays” and I STILL am not walking all of the time.  Yesterday at training, the left side of my chair broke as well (the right broke awhile ago).  I’m totally bummed!  So Phil starts stretching me at the Keiser machine.  The stretch felt SO good!!!  Phil said that it was impressive how good of a stretch I got.  I stood a little and that felt good.  I even did two squats before I got set to walk so that was promising (so I thought)  – or ATTEMPT to walk; I should say.  Lindsay and Phil get me standing and… nothing.  Phil stretches me a little more.  Let’s try this again… nothing – AGAIN.  I sit and Phil stretches me yet again.  My third down I am able to get 2 yards.  That’s it.  Just 2 yards.  Those few steps I took to get those 2 yards felt really good though.  I told Phil and he told me that they looked good.  4th down.  My last attempt.  And i got just 1 more yard.  Really?!  Phil said that we were done and he worked my ankles some.  He holds my foot and tells me to turn my ankle out and he helps me continue to rotation out to get the full range of motion when he does this.  We started with my left ankle.  Turning my ankles outward is probably the hardest thing to do aside from walking.  I close my eyes when I do this because it takes SO much concentration.  My right ankle is even harder!  I ask Phil if he can feel any movement when he tells me to turn my ankle out.  He mods and tells me “a little bit.”  How disappointing!

Phil took me out to my car and at least I was able to get in by myself – well almost by myself.  Phil had to help a little because I undershot sitting in my seat.  He also helped me get my legs in.  I needed to bend my knees to get them into my car because both of my legs stiffened so they were straight out.  So Phil was talking me through this by saying “yep, yep, yep” repeatedly as I was willing my legs to bend.  That made me laugh a little despite my disappointment with my showing at “Walking Wednesday.”  He puts his fist out and tells me, “good job.”  I reply, “it WASN’T a good job!”  He pointed out the good stretch I was able to get and then pulled his fist away before I could grab it.

It was a TERRIBLE radio day in the car on my way home and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to Gavin.  I was bummed!  I WAS conscious of blood flowing through both of my legs though.  I didn’t even text my friends about the results of “Walking Wednesday.”  I did text Jesse and Mike though.  I texted:

Walking Wednesday =  3 yards. How anticlimactic. Disappointing. They were good steps though…

To which Mike responded :always a positive!!”.And Jesse texted that, “good steps I guess are better than no steps. I responded to him, “Frustrating.  I got that second down from last week but that was it. Grrr!” Then I texted that I don’t know that the camo is working for me (I still rock the socks and Duck Dynasty shirt every Wednesday). Jesse said that I need new camo then but I’m not trying to have a camo collection though. But maybe, if that’ll get me walking… Besides, “its only stupid if it doesn’t work.” Right?!