3.30.15 Simple Pleasures

Megan pulled me in to Barwis.  Mike came and got me when it was my time.  He pushed me to the blue table and put me on it.  After coming to Barwis for almost 21 months, my guys know when they can push it and when they have to take it easy on me.  Jesse knew it, Phil knew it, and now Mike knows it.  Monday was one of those days.  What I especially like about these days, is that they still are productive.  I remember Phil telling me that EVERY day I come to Barwis that it is productive.  I remember not being able to see it when he told me this some time ago but I see it now.

There will be days when I feel miserable but I’ve known that I just have to get through it.  Every day isn’t as HORRIBLE but there are days that are.  When I come to Barwis, I know I will sleep well that night.  I am NOT walking yet and that doesn’t seem to frustrate me as much as it used to.  I know it my soul that it WILL happen eventually and I am working tirelessly to make it so.  At times my trainers have to work harder than I do (It’s difficult to stretch me out!) but they see walking in my future too and they let me know when I ask (which is often).

I’ve learned, or I AM learning to focus on the good things regardless of how small they seemingly may be.  It’s the simple pleasures, man.  I lifted my knees up as I sat on the edge of the blue table 10 times each (AFTER Mike pinched my knees OF COURSE!!!) Instead of being discouraged, I focused on the fact that I am progressing and I am not going to be upset that it is SO SLOW but appreciated that in addition to getting movement in my legs, I got a GREAT stretch and a good night’s sleep even though Mike STILL kind of stinks at getting me smoothly into my car.  So, I can bask in the simple pleasures… at least for now.