8.18.14 Easy Stand Evolv Take 2

Yesterday, Phil stretched me at the table and I did a few leg curls before we headed over to the stander.  I wasn’t afraid even though I knew it was going to hurt.  I told him to “Do your worst!” in my not-so-good French-English accent and began to laugh.  He didn’t get it.  I asked him, “Haven’t you seen “The Count of Monte Cristo“?! kind of incredulously.  He didn’t.  Here is the reason that I kept saying that. (I said it like 20 times)


He started to crank the machine until I was standing and it was INTENSE and I said, “Do your worst!” AGAIN!  Phil cranked it all the way and told me that I was going to stand for 3 minutes.  it may as well have been FOR AN HOUR!  He put his fingers on my back and told me to squeeze his fingers with my shoulder blades.  It was DIFFICULT  but I put my shoulders back, held them back, and said, “Do you worst!” AGAIN!  I think I stood for a total of 6 minutes and it was CRAZY!!!

Once Phil uncranked the machine fully and my time was up he had to put me in my car because I was SPENT!  I drove home tired and went to bed early because I am back to work now for the 14-15 school year.

When I woke up this morning , my back muscles were KILLING ME! I asked Mr. Curl why and he told me the productivity of my work at Barwis.  Well, okay then!  So, “Do your worst” because I DEFINITELY AM doing mine!!!

One thought on “8.18.14 Easy Stand Evolv Take 2”

  1. You are a fighter Jennifer! You have always had endurance and tenacity! Keep doing your best! – Mom

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